Letter: Kevin Dahl for Ward 3
Re: the July 18 article “Star’s endorsements in Wards 3 and 6.”
I was very surprised to see the Arizona Daily Star Editorial Board endorse Juan Padres for Ward 3 over Kevin Dahl. As a news source that frequently covers climate change-related news, it’s disappointing to see them say that Mayor Regina Romero’s efforts on climate change are enough.
This is a crisis, and it should be a top priority for all city leaders. We need as many leaders who understand this urgency as we can get. I support Kevin Dahl because he knows that climate change affects all areas of our society, including business and the economy.
Letter: It is time to permanently protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Advocates have been battling the special interests of the oil and gas industry and Alaska’s congressional delegation for decades – all while the ongoing climate crisis worsens. Much like Arizona, the Arctic is on the frontlines of climate change. Alaska has been warming twice as quickly as the global average since the 1950’s and faster than any other US state.
As a result of warmer temperatures, permafrost is thawing, sea ice is thinning and wildfires are increasing. More drilling in the Arctic will only further the devastating impacts already being felt from climate change.
Protection of the Arctic Refuge is critical for one of the world’s most imperiled polar bear populations and species like wolves, migratory birds and the Porcupine caribou herd, a species that the Gwich’in Nation rely on for survival.
The wellbeing of the Arctic is connected to the entire world, not just Alaska, which is why Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly should support the Arctic Refuge Protection Act and repeal the gas drilling program.
Letter: Protect the Desert National Wildlife Refuge from Air Force bombing range expansion
I am concerned about the Air Force’s proposition to expand their bombing range in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge. I've never visited this land, but I don’t need to in order to know it should be protected. The land is sacred to the Nuwuvi people—reason enough to block this request. It is also home to Nevada’s largest bighorn sheep population, the endangered desert tortoise, golden eagles and hundreds of other animal and plant species.

Should the expansion move forward, the noise and disturbance will inflict permanent damage to one of the most diverse landscapes in the country. Nuwuvi people will be blocked access to their land, which is home to significant cultural sites and resources that are central to their ways.

If land that has already been protected under federal law isn't worth safeguarding, what is? The protections were put in place in 1936 for many reasons. And military takeover is not one of them.

I remain hopeful knowing Rep. Grijalva, Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, is a long-time advocate for biodiversity loss. Mr. Grijalva, please continue to stand up for wildlife and Native communities by protecting the Desert National Wildlife Refuge.
Submitted to the Arizona Republic October 2020.